00959naa#a2200241#i#450# EN\\bibl\57240 20240514182041.2 0131-6184 20230220b2023####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU The usage of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) while accounting the spawning grounds of the Pacific herring in the Olskaya lagoon of the Tauyskaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk Journal article Moscow FSBI "TSUREN" 2023 3 с. Journal article local Техника, виды и способы рыболовства. 639.2.081 Воздушный транспорт. 395 bbk Metelyov Evgeniy Alexandrovich Smirnov Andrey Anatolyevich Panfilov Andrey Mikhailjvich Abaev Alexey Deonisovich Fomin Evgenii Arkadevich Grigorov Vladislav Gennadievich tsuren.editorum.ru