00900naa#a2200241#i#450# EN\\bibl\70571 20240722132841.1 0131-6184 20231002b2023####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU Development of conversion factors for the conversion of the mass of crabs transported in live form on ships of the Far Eastern Basin Journal article Moscow FSBI "TSUREN" 2023 7 с. Journal article local Branchiata (Crustacea). Ракообразные. 595.3 Прочие условия. 639.331.9 Harenko Elena Nickolaevna Yakush Yevgeniy Valentinovich Chupikova Elena Stanislavovna Gritsenko Alexander V. Sayapina Tat'yana Anatol'evna Antosyuk Anna Yu. Yarichevskaya Natalya N. tsuren.editorum.ru