Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
0131-6184 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 9078
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Requirements for the design of articles for publication in the journal "Fisheries"
The journal "Fisheries" is included by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) in the "List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and candidate of Sciences should be published" in the following specialties:
1.5.15. Ecology – Biological, agricultural;
4.2.6. Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fishing – Agricultural, biological, technical;
4.3.3. Food systems – Technical, biological;
4.3.5. Biotechnology of food and biological substances –
Technical, biological.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system and in the international abstract database and citation system WoS(ZR).
The journal "Fisheries" and all published articles have DOI. Please indicate the article ID when referring to the literature lists. This increases the rating of the publication and the author.
The editorial board of the journal "Fisheries" in its activities is guided by the principles of publication ethics developed on the basis of international standards. In order to avoid conflicts, we recommend making the following clarifications at the end of the article:
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Contribution to the work of the authors: I.I. Ivanov – the idea of the article, text correction; P.P. Petrov – preparation of a literature review, preparation of the article and its final verification; S.S. Sidorov – data collection and analysis, preparation of the article.
All articles proposed for publication are checked in the "Anti-Plagiarism" system. If more than 55% of text borrowings are found without corresponding links, the article is rejected. The request to the authors is to independently check the article through the "Anti–Plagiarism" and send the result to the editorial office.
All articles are reviewed.
The following materials should be attached to the articles:
1. Text in Microsoft Word format with a volume of up to 12 pages, 12 pins in one and a half intervals. An increase in the volume of the article is possible only in agreement with the editorial board.
2. Abstract (no more than 1/3 of a page): with the indication of the title of the article, academic degree, scientific title and place of work of the authors in Russian and (if possible) in English.
3. Keywords in Russian and English.
4. Information about the authors (e-mail addresses and contact phone numbers).
5. The result of passing the article through the Anti-Plagiarism system.
6. Availability of article-by-article bibliographic lists for all articles in a single format established by the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (GOST 2020).
7. Be sure to take photos on the topic (landscapes, ships, the sea or production processes, fish, shellfish, mammals, if we are talking about a particular fishery, scientific research or production process), since the magazine is illustrated.
8. Photos and drawings to the text should be submitted as separate files:
• Platform: IBM PC.
• Color model: CMYK.
• Photo format: TIFF, JPG (resolution – 300 dpi).

All materials should be sent to the following email address: filippova@fisheriesjournal.ru


Currently, compliance with legislation and regulations, as well as the principles of publication ethics of relations between members of the scientific and publishing community is the key to increasing the number of high-quality scientific publications, the successful development of cooperation between authors, publishers and readers of scientific publications.

The editorial board of the journal "Fisheries" strives to ensure compliance with the highest ethical standards, guided by the principles of publication ethics developed on the basis of international standards:

● Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Sin-gapur, July 22-24, 2010, https://worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102 );

● Provisions developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (the Committee on Publication Ethics — COPE, https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines);

● requirements for peer-reviewed journals developed by Elsevier Publishing House, in accordance with the international ethical rules of scientific publications (Elsevier Publishing House, https://www.relx.com/?id=990 ) ;

● The Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications).



The ethical principles of the magazine "Fisheries" are developed in compliance



with the principles of COPE, including openness and transparency in such topics as:

● Authorship and co-authorship requirements.

● The review process.

● The availability of data, the use of reporting guidelines and the registration of clinical trials and other studies should be clearly indicated in the guidelines for the journal.

● Openness of journal management, including the business model, policies, processes and software for effective journal management.

● Disclosure of conflicts of interest.

● Processes for responding to allegations of improper research, publications, and peer review before or after publication.

● Managing the debate after publication and performing corrections and refutations.

● Consideration of complaints against the journal, its co-workers, editorial board or publisher.

● Ethical conduct of research, in accordance with the research discipline.

● Copyright compliance, control of royalties and publishing licenses.

Publication ethics is a set of well-known and generally accepted principles, norms and rules that should be followed by participants in the process of scientific publication (author or authors, reviewers, editors, publishers), which regulate relations between participants.

The publication ethics of the journal "Fisheries" (hereinafter – publishing ethics) is based on international standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and other standards, including:

● Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Sin-gapur, July 22-24, 2010, https://worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102 );

● Provisions developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (the Committee on Publication Ethics — COPE, https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines );

● requirements for peer-reviewed journals developed by Elsevier Publishing House, in accordance with the international ethical rules of scientific publications (Elsevier Publishing House, https://www.relx.com/?id=990 ) );

● The Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications).


Areas of application of norms and rules of publication ethics:

● preparation and submission of scientific articles by the author(s);

● interaction of the author(s) and the censors;

● interaction between authors;

● interaction of the author(s) and the editorial board;

● rights of the author(s);

● interaction between publishers and readers;

● conflict situations between participants in publishing activities.

Compliance with publishing ethics is ensured by the editorial board and the chief editor.

The Editorial Board headed by the Editor-in-Chief is the main regulatory body that monitors compliance with publishing ethics at all stages of preparation and publication of scientific articles.

The decisions of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief on compliance with or violation of publishing ethics are final.






The article can be submitted for publication by one or more authors (co-authors).

The finished article, in accordance with the Rules, and the accompanying documents, the author (authors) sends to the editorial office by e-mail specified in the "Contacts" section of the website.

The article should contain the full author(s) belonging to the academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the organization, postal address of the organization, city, country, e-mail address.

The article submitted by the author(s) for publication must contain:

● a new, completely original study. The borrowed fragments or statements should be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source.

● in the case of using fragments of other works and/or borrowing the statements of other authors, the article should contain appropriate bibliographic references with mandatory indication of the author and the source;

● truthful, reliable, theoretically and empirically sound, logically consistent, accurately presented data;

● prints of previously published scientific works of the author(s), in case of their verbatim copying, which can only be used as a basis for research and new conclusions;

● sources of any financial support (grants, state programs, projects, etc.).


The article submitted for publication must not contain:

● false and/or fraudulent information;

● plagiarism — all articles are subject to mandatory verification through the automatic anti-plagiarism system (see the corresponding section in this document);

● any authors and co-authors who did not participate in the study along with the authors and co-authors of the article;

● copyrighted materials (such as tables, figures or large quotations) that can only be reproduced with the permission of their owners.

The article submitted for publication should not be:

● previously published in print and electronic media;

● sent for publication to other print and electronic media.

The authors guarantee that the names of all co-authors and project participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are indicated.

The author(s) undertakes to participate in the process of finalizing the article (corrections, additions) within the time limits set by the editorial board when submitting the article to the editorial board.

The specific responsibilities of the corresponding author include:

● Correction of the manuscript and proofreading. Processing of corrections and re-submission of the corrected manuscripts until the adoption of the manuscripts.

● Acceptance and signing of the Copyright Agreement on publication on behalf of the corresponding co-authors and/or securing the signature of any third-party copyright holders;

● Organization of payment, if any.

● Act on behalf of all co-authors by responding to requests from all sources after publication, including questions regarding publication ethics, content reuse or availability of data, materials, resources, etc.

The authors are charged a publication fee indicated on the publication's website.




In its activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, which entails the need to comply with the following fundamental principles and procedures:


The publisher not only supports scientific communication and invests in this process, but is also responsible for ensuring that the published work complies with all modern guidelines on publication ethics.

The publisher must take adequate response measures in case of ethical claims regarding peer-reviewed manuscripts or published materials. Such measures usually include interaction with the Authors of the manuscript and argumentation of the relevant complaint or claim, but may also include interaction with relevant organizations and research centers.

The publisher must support the editorial board of the journal in resolving claims to the ethical aspects of published materials and facilitate interaction with other journals and/or publishers, if this contributes to the fulfillment of the duties of editors.

The publisher ensures the timely release of publications of the journal "Fisheries".

The publisher strives to ensure that advertising, reprint or other commercial interests do not influence editorial decisions.

The publisher ensures cooperation with other publishers and industry associations, including on issues related to ethics, bug tracking and reviews.

The editorial policy of the journal "Fisheries" is based on respect for the personal rights of the author and the right to intellectual property.

The editor-in-chief must every time:

● inform the author(s) about the receipt of the article and accompanying documents, their registration and acceptance for consideration;

● send the article for review (if necessary, for additional censorship) to members of the editorial board or leading specialists in the field of research;

● inform the author(s) about the results of scientific review;

● make a decision on acceptance or rejection of an article based on reviews and verification of compliance by the authors with the established rules for submission and submission of the article;

● inform the author(s) of the editorial board's decision to accept or reject the article (indicating the reasons for rejection);

● inform the author(co-authors) about the received review(s) on his (their) request(s);

● send the article to the author(s) for revision, in accordance with the comments of the reviewer (reviewers).

Editorial staff of the journal:

● reserves the copyright;

● builds a database of reviewers – a database of experts on specific areas of research presented in the journal;

● Qualified and unbiased review.

The editorial board of the journal is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article.

Editorial Board:

● considers each report on the facts of non-compliance with publishing ethics, regardless of the time of its receipt;

● in case of confirmation of the facts of non-compliance with publishing ethics, it is mandatory to publish either a refutation of the statement or an apology, as well as information about the revision of the article;

● reports to the editor-in-chief on the compliance and/or all violations of publishing ethics at all stages of publishing activity.

The Editorial Board takes measures to prevent and/or resolve conflicts between the participants of the publishing process at all stages of its implementation.


Issues are archived on the journal's website, as well as in the scientific database elibrary.ru. All articles have a DOI, which makes it easier to access them.




All articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal are reviewed (scientific examination). Each article is reviewed by one reviewer.

The expert is selected from among the members of the editorial board or from the database of reviewers - leading specialists in the field of this research).

The manuscript submitted for examination is a confidential document, the examination procedure is conducted confidentially. The result of the review is the reviewer's report – an electronic document sent to the editor-in-chief. The report is the property of the editorial board and can be transferred between the editorial board members, authors and, possibly, other reviewers only by the chief editor. The report should contain comments on the relevance of the research, its relevance to the profile of the journal, the novelty and reliability of the results, the level and clarity of the presentation of the material and provide a conclusion in the form approved by the editorial board.

If the manuscript is suspected of misconduct, the reviewer informs the editor-in-chief about it and includes the relevant information in the reviewer's report.

The manuscript submitted for examination cannot be copied and provided to other reviewers or discussed with them without consultation with the editor-in-chief.

Co-authors or the author of the article cannot be among the reviewers of the article.

The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for the editorial board to make a final decision on the publication of the article.

The review should be objective, independent.

The reviewer should not review articles that interest him, and should not use the content of the article for personal purposes.

Reviewers are obliged to inform the editorial board about the conflict of interests arising during the review of the article.

The reviewer studies the article for no more than 2 weeks.




Authors should disclose conflicts of interest that may affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as sources of financial support for the project (grants, government programs, projects, etc.), which should be indicated in the manuscript.

The Editorial Board of the journal "Fisheries" selects reviewers who are independent in relation to the materials considered for publication, have sufficient experience and do not have a conflict of interest.

The reviewer may not use the materials of an unpublished manuscript in his research without the written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refuse to review the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests, due to competitive, joint or other relations with the author or an organization related to the manuscript.



The name corresponds to the definition of the poster, which is defined as "the use of other people's ideas, words, data or other material created by them without confirmation."

Plagiarism can take place in relation to all types of sources and media, including:

● text, illustrations, musical citations, extended mathematical conclusions, computer code, etc.;

● materials downloaded from websites or taken from manuscripts or other sources;

● Published and unpublished materials, including lectures, presentations and unpublished literature.

The journal does not accept plagiarism in its publications. Manuscripts are checked using an online plagiarism checking tool antiplagiat.ru. Materials containing suspected plagiarism will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered after the publication of the manuscript, the editorial board follows the actions described in the section "Refutations, corrections and expressions of concern" of this document. In case of suspected plagiarism, any person has the opportunity to contact the editorial office using the information in the Contacts section on the website.

Any publications with significant duplication of information (self-reference) may be rejected by the Editorial Board as redundant without proper citation and justification of the need for additional publication on the same topic.




The editors of the journal will consider a review, an issue, or an expression of concern. In case of an author's error, the journal publishes a correction. If the error was made by the journal, a correction will also be published. Refutations are usually used only for articles that contain serious errors in their conclusions, or contain extensive plagiarism, or content that poses a risk to the lives of people.

Minor corrections may be made to the manuscript accepted for publication in the journal, such as those that occur during editing, formatting or proofreading, but any significant changes will comply with the rules of withdrawal. In rare cases, an article may be removed from an online publication if it is deemed necessary to comply with legal requirements, for example, if the article is defamatory in nature or violates laws on privacy or confidentiality.



Changing the images that are used to represent the research data can sometimes lead to distortion of the results or their significance. Although it is recognized that there may be good reasons to change the images, it is expected that the authors will refrain from doing so if it leads to a change, co-creation or distortion of the results. Any misleading changes in the images will cause concern and may lead to rejection of the manuscript.



The journal does not deal with medical or personal data. However, with regard to animal studies, the following principles should be taken into account:

● Authors are responsible for following the rules and guidelines concerning the use of animals for scientific purposes. This includes ensuring that they receive the appropriate authorization for their research from the relevant ethics committee and/or regulatory body before starting work. The Ethical Statement provides editors, reviewers and readers with confidence that the research has passed this ethical oversight, which also promotes transparency and understanding of the use of animals in research and strengthens public trust.

● Authors should provide a clear statement explaining how the study conforms to the rules and guidelines. Authors should indicate the name of the institution in which the study was approved and the ethics committee that reviewed it, as well as indicate the license number of the protocol or project so that the study can be identified. Any relevant accreditation should also be mentioned.

● If the study does not fall under any regulations and formal ethical approval is not required (for example, research using animal species not protected by regulations or laws), the authors must demonstrate compliance with international standards and provide an appropriate reference. In such cases, a clear statement should be provided explaining why the study is not subject to regulatory approval.



"Fisheries" allows limited, relevant to the subject of the magazine, publication in online and print publications.

The advertising provided must:

● be independent of editorial decisions about what is being published;

● clearly differ from the content of the journal.

Information about prices, additional conditions and advertising policy can be found on the publication's website or contact the editorial office using the information in the "Contacts" section on the website.

Rules of Manuscript Submission

Please submit materials to e-mail address of editoral office: svetlana-filippova@yandex.ru.

The following information concerning authors should be included:

  • given and family name(s);
  • academic degree and rank;
  • affiliation;
  • full postal address including postal code;
  • contact phone number;
  • e-mail address.

A concise (500-600 symbols) and factual abstract is required. The following should be translated into English: abstract; keywords; title; author names and affiliations, accurately spelled.

An article size should not exceed 20 thousand symbols including spaces and footnotes, figures, tables, photos and diagrams. A review should not exceed 5 thousand symbols including spaces and footnotes. Excees of indicated size is possible only with the consent of of the Editoral Board.

A submitted manuscript should be prepared in compliance with the Rules for Manuscript Preparation adopted by Editoral Council of the Fisheries.

Reports and other talks that are not of the form of scientific research will not be published as articles, with the exception of articles for the «Marine Policy» section.

Manuscripts not fitting said requirements will not be considered.

For any information please phone to Editoral Office, tel/fax +7 (495) 699-99-00.

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To subscribe to the magazine "fisheries" in the editorial office, you must:

Download and fill out a subscription coupon;
Send the completed coupon to the following email address: rh-1920@mail.ru;
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You can subscribe to the magazine "fisheries" through subscription agencies:


Cost of services in the magazine " fisheries»
Cost of services for editing and publishing articles
n / a Legal entities and individuals Price for 1 magazine page, RUB.
1 enterprises and institutions of the fishing industry (except educational ones) 4 000
2 other organizations 5,000
3 Educational institutions 3,500
4 academic degree Applicants 900
5 Applicants for a scientific degree in collaboration with the supervisor 1 500
6 Individuals 2 500
Cost of editing and publishing services for articles if a contract is concluded for a calendar year
no. p / p Legal entities and individuals Price for 1 magazine page, RUB.
1 enterprises and institutions of the fishing industry (except educational) 3,500
2 Educational institutions 3,000
25% - for placement of advertising and information materials by institutions and enterprises subordinated to Rosrybolovstvo.

Filippova Svetlana  — Chief editor
Moscow, Russian Federation
Andreev Michael  — Member of the editorial Board
Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Bagrov Alexey  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Bubonic Edward  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Zhigin Alexey  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Zilanov Vyacheslav  — Member of the editorial Board
candidate of sciences in biology
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kokorev Yuri  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Mezenova Olga  — Member of the editorial Board
Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Mersel Jorg-Thomas  — Member of the editorial Board
Russian Federation
Orlov Alexey  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Ostroumov Sergei  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Department of Biology, Leading Researcher)
professor Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Pavlov Dmitry  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Harenko Elena  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Khatuntsov Alexander  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Dvoryaninova Olga  — Member of the editorial Board
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Minko Viktor  — Member of the editorial Board
Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Servetnik Gregory  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Chernyshkov Pavel  — Member of the editorial Board
Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Shestakov Ilya  — Chairman Of the Editorial Board
Moscow, Russian Federation
Kolonchin Konstantin  — Deputy Chairman Of The Red Council
Moscow, Russian Federation
Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Central'noe upravlenie po rybohozyaystvennoy ekspertize i normativam po sohraneniyu, vosproizvodstvu vodnyh biologicheskih resursov i akklimatizacii"
The certificate of registration of the periodical
Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ПИ №ФС77-48529

Requirements for the design of articles for publication in the journal "Fisheries"
The journal "Fisheries" is included by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) in the "List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and candidate of Sciences should be published" in the following specialties:
1.5.15. Ecology – Biological, agricultural;
4.2.6. Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fishing – Agricultural, biological, technical;
4.3.3. Food systems – Technical, biological;
4.3.5. Biotechnology of food and biological substances –
Technical, biological.
The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system and in the international abstract database and citation system WoS(ZR).
The journal "Fisheries" and all published articles have DOI. Please indicate the article ID when referring to the literature lists. This increases the rating of the publication and the author.
The editorial board of the journal "Fisheries" in its activities is guided by the principles of publication ethics developed on the basis of international standards. In order to avoid conflicts, we recommend making the following clarifications at the end of the article:
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Contribution to the work of the authors: I.I. Ivanov – the idea of the article, text correction; P.P. Petrov – preparation of a literature review, preparation of the article and its final verification; S.S. Sidorov – data collection and analysis, preparation of the article.
All articles proposed for publication are checked in the "Anti-Plagiarism" system. If more than 55% of text borrowings are found without corresponding links, the article is rejected. The request to the authors is to independently check the article through the "Anti–Plagiarism" and send the result to the editorial office.
All articles are reviewed.
The following materials should be attached to the articles:
1. Text in Microsoft Word format with a volume of up to 12 pages, 12 pins in one and a half intervals. An increase in the volume of the article is possible only in agreement with the editorial board.
2. Abstract (no more than 1/3 of a page): with the indication of the title of the article, academic degree, scientific title and place of work of the authors in Russian and (if possible) in English.
3. Keywords in Russian and English.
4. Information about the authors (e-mail addresses and contact phone numbers).
5. The result of passing the article through the Anti-Plagiarism system.
6. Availability of article-by-article bibliographic lists for all articles in a single format established by the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (GOST 2020).
7. Be sure to take photos on the topic (landscapes, ships, the sea or production processes, fish, shellfish, mammals, if we are talking about a particular fishery, scientific research or production process), since the magazine is illustrated.
8. Photos and drawings to the text should be submitted as separate files:
• Platform: IBM PC.
• Color model: CMYK.
• Photo format: TIFF, JPG (resolution – 300 dpi).

All materials should be sent to the following email address: filippova@fisheriesjournal.ru


Currently, compliance with legislation and regulations, as well as the principles of publication ethics of relations between members of the scientific and publishing community is the key to increasing the number of high-quality scientific publications, the successful development of cooperation between authors, publishers and readers of scientific publications.

The editorial board of the journal "Fisheries" strives to ensure compliance with the highest ethical standards, guided by the principles of publication ethics developed on the basis of international standards:

● Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Sin-gapur, July 22-24, 2010, https://worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102 );

● Provisions developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (the Committee on Publication Ethics — COPE, https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines);

● requirements for peer-reviewed journals developed by Elsevier Publishing House, in accordance with the international ethical rules of scientific publications (Elsevier Publishing House, https://www.relx.com/?id=990 ) ;

● The Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications).



The ethical principles of the magazine "Fisheries" are developed in compliance



with the principles of COPE, including openness and transparency in such topics as:

● Authorship and co-authorship requirements.

● The review process.

● The availability of data, the use of reporting guidelines and the registration of clinical trials and other studies should be clearly indicated in the guidelines for the journal.

● Openness of journal management, including the business model, policies, processes and software for effective journal management.

● Disclosure of conflicts of interest.

● Processes for responding to allegations of improper research, publications, and peer review before or after publication.

● Managing the debate after publication and performing corrections and refutations.

● Consideration of complaints against the journal, its co-workers, editorial board or publisher.

● Ethical conduct of research, in accordance with the research discipline.

● Copyright compliance, control of royalties and publishing licenses.

Publication ethics is a set of well-known and generally accepted principles, norms and rules that should be followed by participants in the process of scientific publication (author or authors, reviewers, editors, publishers), which regulate relations between participants.

The publication ethics of the journal "Fisheries" (hereinafter – publishing ethics) is based on international standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and other standards, including:

● Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Sin-gapur, July 22-24, 2010, https://worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102 );

● Provisions developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (the Committee on Publication Ethics — COPE, https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines );

● requirements for peer-reviewed journals developed by Elsevier Publishing House, in accordance with the international ethical rules of scientific publications (Elsevier Publishing House, https://www.relx.com/?id=990 ) );

● The Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications).


Areas of application of norms and rules of publication ethics:

● preparation and submission of scientific articles by the author(s);

● interaction of the author(s) and the censors;

● interaction between authors;

● interaction of the author(s) and the editorial board;

● rights of the author(s);

● interaction between publishers and readers;

● conflict situations between participants in publishing activities.

Compliance with publishing ethics is ensured by the editorial board and the chief editor.

The Editorial Board headed by the Editor-in-Chief is the main regulatory body that monitors compliance with publishing ethics at all stages of preparation and publication of scientific articles.

The decisions of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief on compliance with or violation of publishing ethics are final.






The article can be submitted for publication by one or more authors (co-authors).

The finished article, in accordance with the Rules, and the accompanying documents, the author (authors) sends to the editorial office by e-mail specified in the "Contacts" section of the website.

The article should contain the full author(s) belonging to the academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the organization, postal address of the organization, city, country, e-mail address.

The article submitted by the author(s) for publication must contain:

● a new, completely original study. The borrowed fragments or statements should be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source.

● in the case of using fragments of other works and/or borrowing the statements of other authors, the article should contain appropriate bibliographic references with mandatory indication of the author and the source;

● truthful, reliable, theoretically and empirically sound, logically consistent, accurately presented data;

● prints of previously published scientific works of the author(s), in case of their verbatim copying, which can only be used as a basis for research and new conclusions;

● sources of any financial support (grants, state programs, projects, etc.).


The article submitted for publication must not contain:

● false and/or fraudulent information;

● plagiarism — all articles are subject to mandatory verification through the automatic anti-plagiarism system (see the corresponding section in this document);

● any authors and co-authors who did not participate in the study along with the authors and co-authors of the article;

● copyrighted materials (such as tables, figures or large quotations) that can only be reproduced with the permission of their owners.

The article submitted for publication should not be:

● previously published in print and electronic media;

● sent for publication to other print and electronic media.

The authors guarantee that the names of all co-authors and project participants who have made a significant contribution to the study are indicated.

The author(s) undertakes to participate in the process of finalizing the article (corrections, additions) within the time limits set by the editorial board when submitting the article to the editorial board.

The specific responsibilities of the corresponding author include:

● Correction of the manuscript and proofreading. Processing of corrections and re-submission of the corrected manuscripts until the adoption of the manuscripts.

● Acceptance and signing of the Copyright Agreement on publication on behalf of the corresponding co-authors and/or securing the signature of any third-party copyright holders;

● Organization of payment, if any.

● Act on behalf of all co-authors by responding to requests from all sources after publication, including questions regarding publication ethics, content reuse or availability of data, materials, resources, etc.

The authors are charged a publication fee indicated on the publication's website.




In its activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, which entails the need to comply with the following fundamental principles and procedures:


The publisher not only supports scientific communication and invests in this process, but is also responsible for ensuring that the published work complies with all modern guidelines on publication ethics.

The publisher must take adequate response measures in case of ethical claims regarding peer-reviewed manuscripts or published materials. Such measures usually include interaction with the Authors of the manuscript and argumentation of the relevant complaint or claim, but may also include interaction with relevant organizations and research centers.

The publisher must support the editorial board of the journal in resolving claims to the ethical aspects of published materials and facilitate interaction with other journals and/or publishers, if this contributes to the fulfillment of the duties of editors.

The publisher ensures the timely release of publications of the journal "Fisheries".

The publisher strives to ensure that advertising, reprint or other commercial interests do not influence editorial decisions.

The publisher ensures cooperation with other publishers and industry associations, including on issues related to ethics, bug tracking and reviews.

The editorial policy of the journal "Fisheries" is based on respect for the personal rights of the author and the right to intellectual property.

The editor-in-chief must every time:

● inform the author(s) about the receipt of the article and accompanying documents, their registration and acceptance for consideration;

● send the article for review (if necessary, for additional censorship) to members of the editorial board or leading specialists in the field of research;

● inform the author(s) about the results of scientific review;

● make a decision on acceptance or rejection of an article based on reviews and verification of compliance by the authors with the established rules for submission and submission of the article;

● inform the author(s) of the editorial board's decision to accept or reject the article (indicating the reasons for rejection);

● inform the author(co-authors) about the received review(s) on his (their) request(s);

● send the article to the author(s) for revision, in accordance with the comments of the reviewer (reviewers).

Editorial staff of the journal:

● reserves the copyright;

● builds a database of reviewers – a database of experts on specific areas of research presented in the journal;

● Qualified and unbiased review.

The editorial board of the journal is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article.

Editorial Board:

● considers each report on the facts of non-compliance with publishing ethics, regardless of the time of its receipt;

● in case of confirmation of the facts of non-compliance with publishing ethics, it is mandatory to publish either a refutation of the statement or an apology, as well as information about the revision of the article;

● reports to the editor-in-chief on the compliance and/or all violations of publishing ethics at all stages of publishing activity.

The Editorial Board takes measures to prevent and/or resolve conflicts between the participants of the publishing process at all stages of its implementation.


Issues are archived on the journal's website, as well as in the scientific database elibrary.ru. All articles have a DOI, which makes it easier to access them.




All articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal are reviewed (scientific examination). Each article is reviewed by one reviewer.

The expert is selected from among the members of the editorial board or from the database of reviewers - leading specialists in the field of this research).

The manuscript submitted for examination is a confidential document, the examination procedure is conducted confidentially. The result of the review is the reviewer's report – an electronic document sent to the editor-in-chief. The report is the property of the editorial board and can be transferred between the editorial board members, authors and, possibly, other reviewers only by the chief editor. The report should contain comments on the relevance of the research, its relevance to the profile of the journal, the novelty and reliability of the results, the level and clarity of the presentation of the material and provide a conclusion in the form approved by the editorial board.

If the manuscript is suspected of misconduct, the reviewer informs the editor-in-chief about it and includes the relevant information in the reviewer's report.

The manuscript submitted for examination cannot be copied and provided to other reviewers or discussed with them without consultation with the editor-in-chief.

Co-authors or the author of the article cannot be among the reviewers of the article.

The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for the editorial board to make a final decision on the publication of the article.

The review should be objective, independent.

The reviewer should not review articles that interest him, and should not use the content of the article for personal purposes.

Reviewers are obliged to inform the editorial board about the conflict of interests arising during the review of the article.

The reviewer studies the article for no more than 2 weeks.




Authors should disclose conflicts of interest that may affect the evaluation and interpretation of their manuscript, as well as sources of financial support for the project (grants, government programs, projects, etc.), which should be indicated in the manuscript.

The Editorial Board of the journal "Fisheries" selects reviewers who are independent in relation to the materials considered for publication, have sufficient experience and do not have a conflict of interest.

The reviewer may not use the materials of an unpublished manuscript in his research without the written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refuse to review the manuscript, in connection with which he has a conflict of interests, due to competitive, joint or other relations with the author or an organization related to the manuscript.



The name corresponds to the definition of the poster, which is defined as "the use of other people's ideas, words, data or other material created by them without confirmation."

Plagiarism can take place in relation to all types of sources and media, including:

● text, illustrations, musical citations, extended mathematical conclusions, computer code, etc.;

● materials downloaded from websites or taken from manuscripts or other sources;

● Published and unpublished materials, including lectures, presentations and unpublished literature.

The journal does not accept plagiarism in its publications. Manuscripts are checked using an online plagiarism checking tool antiplagiat.ru. Materials containing suspected plagiarism will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered after the publication of the manuscript, the editorial board follows the actions described in the section "Refutations, corrections and expressions of concern" of this document. In case of suspected plagiarism, any person has the opportunity to contact the editorial office using the information in the Contacts section on the website.

Any publications with significant duplication of information (self-reference) may be rejected by the Editorial Board as redundant without proper citation and justification of the need for additional publication on the same topic.




The editors of the journal will consider a review, an issue, or an expression of concern. In case of an author's error, the journal publishes a correction. If the error was made by the journal, a correction will also be published. Refutations are usually used only for articles that contain serious errors in their conclusions, or contain extensive plagiarism, or content that poses a risk to the lives of people.

Minor corrections may be made to the manuscript accepted for publication in the journal, such as those that occur during editing, formatting or proofreading, but any significant changes will comply with the rules of withdrawal. In rare cases, an article may be removed from an online publication if it is deemed necessary to comply with legal requirements, for example, if the article is defamatory in nature or violates laws on privacy or confidentiality.



Changing the images that are used to represent the research data can sometimes lead to distortion of the results or their significance. Although it is recognized that there may be good reasons to change the images, it is expected that the authors will refrain from doing so if it leads to a change, co-creation or distortion of the results. Any misleading changes in the images will cause concern and may lead to rejection of the manuscript.



The journal does not deal with medical or personal data. However, with regard to animal studies, the following principles should be taken into account:

● Authors are responsible for following the rules and guidelines concerning the use of animals for scientific purposes. This includes ensuring that they receive the appropriate authorization for their research from the relevant ethics committee and/or regulatory body before starting work. The Ethical Statement provides editors, reviewers and readers with confidence that the research has passed this ethical oversight, which also promotes transparency and understanding of the use of animals in research and strengthens public trust.

● Authors should provide a clear statement explaining how the study conforms to the rules and guidelines. Authors should indicate the name of the institution in which the study was approved and the ethics committee that reviewed it, as well as indicate the license number of the protocol or project so that the study can be identified. Any relevant accreditation should also be mentioned.

● If the study does not fall under any regulations and formal ethical approval is not required (for example, research using animal species not protected by regulations or laws), the authors must demonstrate compliance with international standards and provide an appropriate reference. In such cases, a clear statement should be provided explaining why the study is not subject to regulatory approval.



"Fisheries" allows limited, relevant to the subject of the magazine, publication in online and print publications.

The advertising provided must:

● be independent of editorial decisions about what is being published;

● clearly differ from the content of the journal.

Information about prices, additional conditions and advertising policy can be found on the publication's website or contact the editorial office using the information in the "Contacts" section on the website.

Rules of Manuscript Submission

Please submit materials to e-mail address of editoral office: svetlana-filippova@yandex.ru.

The following information concerning authors should be included:

  • given and family name(s);
  • academic degree and rank;
  • affiliation;
  • full postal address including postal code;
  • contact phone number;
  • e-mail address.

A concise (500-600 symbols) and factual abstract is required. The following should be translated into English: abstract; keywords; title; author names and affiliations, accurately spelled.

An article size should not exceed 20 thousand symbols including spaces and footnotes, figures, tables, photos and diagrams. A review should not exceed 5 thousand symbols including spaces and footnotes. Excees of indicated size is possible only with the consent of of the Editoral Board.

A submitted manuscript should be prepared in compliance with the Rules for Manuscript Preparation adopted by Editoral Council of the Fisheries.

Reports and other talks that are not of the form of scientific research will not be published as articles, with the exception of articles for the «Marine Policy» section.

Manuscripts not fitting said requirements will not be considered.

For any information please phone to Editoral Office, tel/fax +7 (495) 699-99-00.

Cost of advertising in the magazine
№ p/p the magazine's Cover Price, RUB.
1 1st side, size 210x297 mm 50 000
2 2nd side, size 210x297 mm 40 000
3 3rd side, size 210x297 mm 40 000
4 4th side, size 210x297 mm 45 000
Advertising on magazine pages
5 placing a greeting text on one page of the magazine 10,000
6 Advertising module on the pages of the magazine - one magazine strip, size: 210x297 mm 30 000
7 Advertising module on the pages of the magazine-1/2 of the magazine strip, size: 210x148 mm 15,000
8 Advertising and information material (article), one magazine strip, size: 210x297 mm 12 000

Discounts and preferences:

10% - for advertising in 3 or more issues of the magazine;

20% - for advertising in the amount of more than 250 thousand rubles during a calendar year;


Cost of services in the magazine " fisheries»
Cost of services for editing and publishing articles
n / a Legal entities and individuals Price for 1 magazine page, RUB.
1 enterprises and institutions of the fishing industry (except educational ones) 4 000
2 other organizations 5,000
3 Educational institutions 3,500
4 academic degree Applicants 900
5 Applicants for a scientific degree in collaboration with the supervisor 1 500
6 Individuals 2 500
Cost of editing and publishing services for articles if a contract is concluded for a calendar year
no. p / p Legal entities and individuals Price for 1 magazine page, RUB.
1 enterprises and institutions of the fishing industry (except educational) 3,500
2 Educational institutions 3,000
25% - for placement of advertising and information materials by institutions and enterprises subordinated to Rosrybolovstvo.

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                        Andreev Michael
Andreev Michael The Atlantic branch of FSBI "VNIRO" ("AtlantNIRO») (center for technology of processing of water biological resources, senior researcher, supervisor)
doctor of technical sciences

                        Andreeva Elizaveta
Andreeva Elizaveta Kaliningrad State Technical University (Department of Food Biotechnology, Student specialty Biotechnology)

                        Andreeva Tatyana
Andreeva Tatyana Kazan (Volga) Federal university (Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Department of Zoology and General Biology, docent)
candidate of sciences in biology


                        Andrukhova Valentina
Andrukhova Valentina Irkutsk State University (Department of commodity science and examination of goods, docent)
candidate of chemical sciences


                        Ankesheva Bibigul Mahabbatovna
Ankesheva Bibigul Mahabbatovna Volga-Caspian Branch Russian Federal “Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (Specialist of Commercial Aquaculture Sector)

                        Anokhina Adelya Zakirovna
Anokhina Adelya Zakirovna Astrakhan State Technical University

                        Anoshko Pavel
Anoshko Pavel Limnological Institute SB RAS (Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Ecological-Economic Research and Technologies, Staff Scientist)

                        Anoshko Pavel
Anoshko Pavel Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory of Multidisciplinary Eco-Economic Studies, Researcher)

                        Antonov Andrey
Antonov Andrey FGBOU VO "State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals" (Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, Senior lecturer)

                        Antonov Nikolay
Antonov Nikolay FSBSI «VNIRO» (Department of Marine and Freshwater Fish of Russia, Head of the Depa)
doctor of sciences in biology

                        Antonov Pavel
Antonov Pavel Murmansk State Technical University (Department of "Food Production Technologies", Master's student)

                        Antosyuk Anna
Antosyuk Anna Tihookeanskiy filial FGBNU «VNIRO» (TINRO)
graduate student of technical sciences

                        Arnautov Maksim
Arnautov Maksim Russian Federal Research Institute Of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) (Fish Feed Department, Leading researcher)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Artemenkov Dmitriy
Artemenkov Dmitriy Branch for the freshwater fisheries of “VNIRO” (“VNIIPRKH”) (Department of Hydrobionts, Senior Researcher)
candidate of agricultural sciences

                        Artuh Sergey
Artuh Sergey Aquarium fish farming base (Owner)

                        Arkhipov Alexander Geraldovich
Arkhipov Alexander Geraldovich Atlantic Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

                        Arkhipov Aleksandr
Arkhipov Aleksandr Atlantic branch Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (Direction, Scientific coordinator)
doctor of sciences in biology


                        Arkhipov Leonid Olegovich
Arkhipov Leonid Olegovich Russian Federal Research Institute Of Fisheries and Oceanography (Candidate of Technical Sciences; Head of the Division of Innovative Technologies of the Department of Technical Regulation)

                        Arkhipov Leonid
Arkhipov Leonid «VNIRO» (Deputy Director for Scientific Work)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Aseeva Nadezhda
Aseeva Nadezhda Pacific branch of Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography “VNIRO” (“TINRO”) (Laboratory of biological resources of Far Eastern and Arctic Seas, Leading researcher)
candidate of sciences in biology

Filippova Svetlana  — Chief editor

Moscow, Russian Federation
Andreev Michael  — Member of the editorial Board

Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Bagrov Alexey  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Bubonic Edward  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Zhigin Alexey  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Zilanov Vyacheslav  — Member of the editorial Board
candidate of sciences in biology

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kokorev Yuri  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Mezenova Olga  — Member of the editorial Board

Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Mersel Jorg-Thomas  — Member of the editorial Board

Russian Federation
Orlov Alexey  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Ostroumov Sergei  — Member of the editorial Board
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Department of Biology, Leading Researcher)

professor Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
Pavlov Dmitry  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Harenko Elena  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Khatuntsov Alexander  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Dvoryaninova Olga  — Member of the editorial Board

Voronezh, Russian Federation
Minko Viktor  — Member of the editorial Board

Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Servetnik Gregory  — Member of the editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Chernyshkov Pavel  — Member of the editorial Board

Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Shestakov Ilya  — Chairman Of the Editorial Board

Moscow, Russian Federation
Kolonchin Konstantin  — Deputy Chairman Of The Red Council

Moscow, Russian Federation


Code 06.04.2000
Name Рыбное хозяйство
Code 06.04.2001
Name Рыбное хозяйство и аквакультура
Code 08.00.00
Name Экономика


The magazine "Fisheries" celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020. Created in 1920 as the main printing organ of the national fisheries, the magazine, together with the industry, has gone a long and difficult way. Its pages not only reflected the stages, events and facts of the progressive development of the fisheries complex, but also, literally before our eyes, new ideas, thoughts and scientific discoveries were born in all areas of fisheries. The main scientific journal of Rosrybolovstvo is never limited to the role of an observer of the processes taking place in the industry, but always takes an active part in discussing new ideas and achievements of the Russian fisheries complex. It is difficult to find a problem in the fisheries of the country that would not be touched upon in the pages of the magazine. The publication is rightfully a chronicle of the formation and development of the fisheries industry in our country.
The journal covers issues of marine fisheries, aquaculture, market relations in the country's fisheries and international cooperation. On the pages of the magazine, heads of ministries and departments, prominent scientists, specialists, production workers speak with materials about the ways of developing the fishing business in Russia, about the specifics of certification of fish raw materials and fish products, about legal support for sustainable development of fishing, about the work of ports and enterprises.
For many years, the journal "Fisheries" has been included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals approved by the Higher Attestation Commission, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published, and has given a start in life to many graduate students - novice researchers of the multifaceted fisheries complex and doctors of sciences who have already achieved certain achievements in science.
Currently, the journal "Fisheries" is fully using its capabilities to reflect scientific research in the fisheries industry.

Chairman Of the Editorial Board
Shestakov Ilya
The contact persons
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