Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes an improved and approved methodology for assessing the heterotrophic activity of freshwater bacteria using a specific example. Namely, the example of studying the bacterial consumption of organic matter excreted by algae. Utilization of organic substances in water bodies by microorganisms and their oxidation are an important part of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and water self-purification. This article details innovative modifications to the method based on the use of 14C-labeled organic matter by aquatic organisms. All these methods and techniques have been tested in the study of production and destruction processes in freshwater ecosystems of different trophic levels including mesotrophic, eutrophic and hypertrophic surface ecosystems.

algae, bacteria, aquatic microorganisms, heterotrophic activity, phytoplankton, dissolved organic matter (DOM), sorption of DOM on detritus, membrane filters

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