Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 06.04.2001 Рыбное хозяйство и аквакультура
VAC 08.00.00 Экономика
Design features for new generation of fishing research vessels are considered on the example of new foreign vessels that entered service in 2019, including those which are under construction. Seven designs of specialized vessels with a maximum length of 54 to 129 meters are examined and their basic characteristics are tabulated. The features of deck-laboratory complex and scientific equipment of vessels of special interest are also considered. Current trends in the FRV construction are paid attention to.
fishery research vessel (FRV), research vessel (RV), shipbuilding, hydroacoustic equipment, ICES Recommendations N 209
1. Levashov D.E. Normirovanie harakteristik shumovogo polya rybohozyaystvennyh NIS s cel'yu minimizacii ego vliyaniya na povedenie ryb pri promyslovo-akusticheskoy s'emke. //M.: Iz-vo «VNIRO». Trudy VNIRO, T.159, 2016. S.157-166.
2. Levashov D.E. Sovremennye suda i sudovoe oborudovanie dlya rybopromyslovyh issledovaniy // M.: VNIRO, 2010. 400 s.
3. Levashov D.E., Bulanova N.P. Razvitie srednih NIS novogo pokoleniya dlya rybopromyslovyh issledovaniy na primere zarubezhnyh proektov. // Rybnoe hozyaystvo. №3. 2018. S.80-89.
4. Levashov, Tishkova, Bulanova. Zarubezhnyy opyt kompleksnogo podhoda k sudam dlya rybopromyslovyh issledovaniy i podgotovki kadrov // Rybnoe hozyaystvo. №5. 2011. S.17-20.
5. Levashov, Tishkova. Tret'ya volna zarubezhnyh NIS novogo pokoleniya (2010-2013 gg.) // Rybnoe hozyaystvo. №3. 2014. S.17-22.
6. Levashov D.E., Tishkova T.V., Bulanova N.P. Morskie suda dlya rybopromyslovyh issledovaniy 2010-2015 gg. // M.: Izd-vo VNIRO, 2016. 232 s.
7. O novyh NISah rasskazal Il'ya Shestakov / FISHNEWS. - elektron. dan. - Moskva, 2019. - rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy
8. Otraslevaya nauka zhdet novyh NIRSov / FISHNEWS. - elektron. dan. - Moskva, 2019. - rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy
9. A new multidisciplinary research vessel to replace the RV A962 Belgica. Available at:, svobodnyy
10. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - AUV / KONGSBERG. - elektron. dan. - Kongsberg, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
11. CAMMELL LAIRD SHIPYARD - POLAR RESEARCH VESSEL / CAMMELL LAIRD. - elektron. dan. - Birkenhead, 2013. - Available at:, svobodnyy
12. Concept development - a new national research vessel / Your maritime solution partner (SSPA). - elektron. dan. - Göteborg, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
13. Construction process / Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO). elektron. dan. - Brussels, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
14. Greenland research vessel opts for MAN hybrid propulsion package / Vessel performance optimization VPO. - elektron. dan. - London, 2018. - Available at:, svobodnyy
15. Fartøy og utstyr i verdensklasse / Kronprinshaakon. - elektron. dan. - Oslo, 2018. - Available at:, svobodnyy
16. Havstovan Faroe Marine Research Institute. Available at:$clientServletPath%7D/?newsId=43&file Name =Research_Vessel_FAMRI2.pdf, svobodnyy
17. Klaipėdoje pastatytas dar vienas mokslinių tyrimų laivas / Atvira Klaipėda. - elektron. dan. - Klaipėda, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
18. Kronprins Haakon Polar Research Vessel / Ship technology. - elektron. dan. - London, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
19. Naturinstituttet skal have et nyt efterforskningsskib / Sermitsiaq·AG. - elektron. dan. - Nuuk, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
20. New marine research ship to be built in the Faroe Islands / - elektron. dan. - Tinganes, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
21. Offshore Fisheries Science Vessels / Government of Canada. - elektron. dan. - Ottawa, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
22. PIONEERING POLAR RESEARCH / KONGSBERG. - elektron. dan. - Kongsberg, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
23. REPLACEMENT MAGNUS HEINASON (2020) / EUROFLEETS. - elektron. dan. - Available at:
24. Research Vessel Specifications / Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO). - elektron. dan. - Brussels, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy
25. RV BELGICA II / EUROFLEETS. Available at:, svobodnyy
26. The RV SVEA to SLU, Sweden / Skipsteknisk. - elektron. dan. - Ålesund, 2017. - Available at:, svobodnyy
27. Wärtsilä combines competences to ensure ultra-silent propulsion for research vessel / Wärtsilä. - elektron. dan. - Helsinki, 2019. - Available at:, svobodnyy