Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Kalinigrad, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 06.04.2001 Рыбное хозяйство и аквакультура
VAC 08.00.00 Экономика
The authors study three fractions obtained as a result of hydrolysis of smoked sprat heads (under temperature of 130oC and presser of 0.25 MPa) – fat, protein water-soluble, and protein-and-mineral ones. Waste from sprat production of two fish canning complexes of the Kaliningrad Region - “RosCon” and “Kolkhoz for the Motherland” - was used as raw material. Hydrolysis was carried out in an aqueous medium in two ways - with preliminary separation of fat and without this operation. The protein fraction was sublimated and its quantitative and qualitative indices were examined - mass yield, solubility, chemical composition and molecular fractional composition of the obtained peptide fractions were determined. The output of sublimated protein fractions is practically independent of the type of raw material and the method of pre-treatment and is 6.47.9% of the mass of raw materials. The chemical composition of protein fractions varies widely in terms of fat (1.4–8.3%), minerals (9.8–13.4%) and proteins (72.1–80.2%). The solubility of the peptide fractions ranged from 91-98%. The molecular weight assessment results showed a high content of a low molecular weight fraction of peptides with an MM of less than 10 kDa in all experimental samples (about 38%). This indicates a high digestibility and biological value of the obtained peptide compositions. Sublimated peptide compositions had typical organoleptic characteristics, pleasant aroma and taste of smoked fish. Ключевые
high temperature hydrolysis, sprat waste, molecular weight, fractional composition, proteins, peptides
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