Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 10.53 Правовые проблемы охраны окружающей среды. Экологическое право
OKSO 06.07.01 Биологические науки
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
The article deals with the concept, content and legal consolidation of the term “sustainable use of marine living resources”. The article analyzes the norms of universal, regional and bilateral international treaties that consolidate and disclose this term. The norms of the national legislation of states are considered. Special attention is paid to the main provisions of Goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on those related to the conservation of marine living resources. The law-making activity of the Russian Federation on the implementation of Goal 14 is considered. Recommendations for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at achieving the Goal are developed.
Sustainable Development Goals, international law, conservation of marine ecosystems, marine living resources, fisheries, Russian Federation
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