Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 69.09 Биологические ресурсы Мирового океана и внутренних водоемов
OKSO 06.07.01 Биологические науки
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
Bream (Abramis Brama L.) on the territory of the Kenozero national Park occurs in the largest lakes of protected areas – Kenozere and Lekshmozere (Belomorsky basin), as well as in lake Maselgsky (Baltic basin), forming three independent, geographically and reproductively isolated populations. In its habitat, bream is the dominant species and, as a result, a permanent object of production for fishermen from among the local residents. This article publishes data on all three bream populations obtained in the course of their own research. Information about its biology, ecology, and population is provided. An assessment of the state of the stock and the role that bream plays in the life of local residents as an aquatic biological resource is given. It is shown that in the Kenozero lake and Lekshmozero lake bream formed a stable and prosperous population. These are the main fishing lakes of the Park, where more than 95% of all fish is extracted. In general, in 2019, the share of bream in the total fish production on the lakes of protected areas, according to official statistics, was about 14%. The current volume of bream catch does not harm the populations of this species and the biodiversity of water ecosystems in protected areas.
Kenozersky national Park, lakes, bream, biology, ecology, population, fishing
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