Moskva, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Russian Federation
Astrahan, Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 31.27 Биологическая химия
OKSO 06.07.01 Биологические науки
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
Disorders in the liver are often accompanied by changes in its lipid composition. And since the liver performs many functions in the body, indicators of liver metabolic processes can reflect the living conditions and General condition of the fish body. The article provides information about some biochemical parameters of the liver and muscles of bream caught in the waters of the Volga Delta in different years. It seems that the causes of changes in the accumulation of lipids in the liver and muscles may be different factors (fish species, season, physiological state). Ultimately, the lipid content is determined by a number of processes. The complex of physiological and biochemical parameters proposed by the authors can be used to assess the degree of environmental stress on cyprinid fish.
biochemical composition of muscles and liver, cyprinid fish, lipids, aminotransferase enzymes, bream
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