Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents materials on the water bodies included in the system of the western substeppe ilmen of the Astrakhan region, from the point of view of their suitability for aquaculture purposes. The main problems and fundamental factors of the functioning of the western steppe ilmen are reflected. It is shown that the data obtained as a result of monitoring the model groups of water bodies of the Astrakhan region, included in the network of western steppe ilmen, in 2019-2020. can serve as a basis for characterizing the productivity of reservoirs for aquaculture development. The dynamics of quantitative indicators of food organisms showed their seasonal variability and made it possible to determine not only the trophic level of water bodies, but also to determine the types of aquaculture objects suitable for cultivation in the studied water bodies, according to their nutritional status.

aquaculture, western sub-steppe ilmen, Astrakhan region, productivity, feed base, monitoring, herbivorous fish, trophic level, water content level, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos

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