Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 69.31 Промышленное рыболовство
OKSO 35.06.03 Рыбное хозяйство
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
The addition of natural reproduction of hydrobionts by the fish farming to provide a fishery resources and preserve the biological diversity of water ecosystems. Fish farming based on scientific recommendations in Russia according to federal legislation. The need to develop scientific recommendations has been related to the fact conditions of each water body determine the number of fish juveniles that can be provided with conditions for their growth. Currently, the term "maximum permissible volumes of release" (PDOV) used in regulatory documents governing the development of recommendations for fish farming. At the same time, the definition of this term is not given in the legislation, which implies its interpretation. The lack of explicit wording of the term makes it possible to use a variety of approaches and methods in the preparation of recommendations. Аs expected, the use of different methods gives different results. There is debate about the eligibility of applying different approaches when discussing the results, since each expert has a different view on the problem of determining the maximum permissible number for release. This situation indicates the need to approve unified methodological approaches to assessing the maximum permissible number of fish juveniles to release. It is necessary to supplement governing document with provisions in which, based on the availability and quality of available information on the reproduction conditions and the feed base of juvenile fish, existing methodological approaches to determining the maximum permissible number for release, various levels of information support can be distinguished to substantiate the maximum permissible number of fish juveniles.
water bioresources, fish farming, maximum permissible number for release, legislative regulation, practical implementation
1. Alekseev M.Yu. Nutrition of young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. food and its relations with other fish species in the rivers of the basin of the Barents and White seas (Kola Peninsula) / M.Yu. Alekseev, A.M. Nikolaev, A.V. Zubchenko, etc. // Transactions of Karelian research centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2018. - No. 5. - P. 65-78.
2. Dolotov S.I. Influence of engineering on the reproduction of Atlantic salmon river Tuloma // Fisheries. - 2007. - No. 6. - P. 50-54.
3. Kazakov R.V. Atlantic salmon. S-Pb.: Nauka, 1998 - 575 p.
4. Legun A.G. Salmon rivers-the history of use, current state and prospects / A.G. Legun, Yu.A. Shustov, I.A. Tyrkin // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 6. - p. 1435.
5. Order of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Fisheries of 27.12.1993 No. 231 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for carrying out work on acclimatization of fish, other aquatic organisms and stocking of reservoirs of the Russian Federation". Available via: 22.06.2020.
6. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 25 of 30.01.2015 "On approval of the Methodology for calculating the volume of production (catch) of aquatic biological resources necessary to ensure the conservation of aquatic biological resources and ensure the activities of fish farms, when fishing for aquaculture (fish farming)". Available via: 22.06.2020.
7. Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 4 of 17.01.2007 On the Approval of the Procedure for the Implementation of measures for the acclimatization of aquatic bioresources. Available via: 22.06.2020.
8. Order of Rosrybolovstvo of 06.02.2015 No. 104 "On the submission of materials Justifying the total allowable catches of aquatic biological resources in the internal waters of the Russian Federation, including in the Internal Sea waters of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Territorial Sea of the Russian Federation, on the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation and in the Exclusive Economic zone of the Russian Federation, in the Azov and Caspian Seas, as well as amendments to them". Available via: 21.06.2020.
9. Order of Rosrybolovstvo of 25.11.2011 No. 1166 "On approval of the methodology for calculating the amount of harm caused to aquatic biological resources - - SPS "Garant".
10. Order of Rosrybolovstvo otpesm31. 12. 2010 No. 1126 "On recommendations of research organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Fisheries on the reproduction of aquatic bioresources, including artificial reproduction". Available via: 22.06.2020.
11. Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of 09.08.2012 No. 669 "On the submission of recommendations by research organizations Subordinate to the Federal Agency for Fisheries for the purpose of Forming an annual plan of measures for the artificial reproduction of aquatic bioresources" Is available via: 22.06.2020.
12. Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries No. 699 of 14.11.2016 "On the provision of Recommendations by Research Organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Fisheries". Available via: 22.06.2020.
13. Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of 17.09.2015 No. 690 "On the provision of recommendations by research organizations subordinate to the Federal Agency for Fisheries". Available via: 22.06.2020.
14. Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of 18.03.2013 No. 182 "On the provision of recommendations by research organizations Subordinate to the Federal Agency for Fisheries for the purpose of forming an annual plan of measures for the artificial reproduction of aquatic bioresources". Available via: 22.06.2020.
15. Order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of 09.10.2007 No. 25-r "On measures for the reproduction of aquatic bioresources". Available via: 22.06.2020.
16. Ryzhkov L. P. Morphophysiological patterns and transformation of matter and energy in the early ontogenesis of freshwater salmon fish. - Petrozavodsk.: Karelia,1976. - 288 p.
17. Creation of populations of Karelian Atlantic salmon in the White Sea basin: Part 2, Salmon rivers of the western (Karelian) coast of the White Sea. Report on the R & D of the Center for Environmental Biotechnologies, LLC. - M., 2000
18. Studenov I.I. Conditions and state of natural reproduction of Atlantic salmon in the basin of the Northern Dvina river. - Autoref. dis.cand. biol. nauk. S. Pb.: Gos. Research Institute of Lakes. i rech. ryb. khoz-va, 1997. - 24 p.
19. Tortsev A.M. Complex problems and directions of improving compensation measures for the restoration of fish resources of the Northern fishing basin / A.M. Tortsev, I.I. Studenov, A.P. Novoselov, V.I. Pavlenko // Arctic: ecology and economics. - 2014. - № 3 (15). - Pp. 9-17.
20. Khrennikov V.V. Zoobenthos of the rivers of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, feed resources for young salmon / V.V. Khrennikov, I.A. Baryshev, Yu.A. Shustov, V.N. Pavlov, et al. // Problems of studying, rational use and protection of the resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the IX International Conference, October 11-14, 2004, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia-Petrozavodsk, 2005. - pp. 318-322.
21. Shustov Yu.A. Ecology of young Atlantic salmon. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1983 - 152 p