Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The output of roe from pre-spawning pollock was analyzed in the Western Bering Sea, Eastern Kamchatka fishing zones and the Sea of Okhotsk fishing zone during legal specialized fishing for pollock from 01.01.2021 to 10.04.2021 in order to preserve and rational exploitation the pollock population. It was concluded that the output of pollock roe (raw fish eggs) calculated as a percentage of the total weight of raw fish, which were subjected to processing irrespective of sex (females and males treated together) during the 2021 fishing season, when legal specialized fishing for pollock was conducted in the Western Bering Sea fishing zone, Karaginsky subzones, Petropavlovsk-Commander subzones and the Sea of Okhotsk fishing zone, did not exceed the values determined in the Order №267 issued on 23 May 2019 by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

pollock, output of roe (raw fish eggs), Sea of Okhotsk fishing zone, Eastern Kamchatka fishing zones, Western Bering Sea fishing zone, Petropavlovsk-Commander subzone, Karaginsky subzone, monitoring, Law on Fisheries

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