Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 69.33 Техническая эксплуатация флота рыбной промышленности
OKSO 35.04.08 Промышленное рыболовство
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
Series of articles includes a general description of the problem, an analysis of the Russian Federation's implementation of the National plan of Action to Prevent, Restrict and Eliminate Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing by the Russian fishing fleet in the Russian Maritime Exclusive Economic Zone and beyond zone of national jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Basing on our analysis we prepared proposals on strengthening fishing control measures, legal instruments to combat IUU fishing, including changes in legislation and adjustment of the Plan for the new term until 2025, improvement of the monitoring system for fishing activities, methods for assessing IUU fishing, improving the efficiency of fisheries management, market mechanisms to combat IUU fishing and voluntary control measures and creating an enabling environment for the prevention of IUU fishing.
catch of aquatic bioresources, ocean and coastal fisheries, illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing, national plan to combat IUU fishing, monitoring of fisheries, international cooperation
1. The system of satellite monitoring of fisheries. The current state and prospects of development / Compiled by: Zgurovsky K.A., Prizemlin V.V., Fomin S.Yu. - - Moscow-Murmansk: WWF Russia, 2008
2. Belyaev V.A. Analysis of the activity of the Russian fishing fleet outside the Russian EEZ to minimize potential IUU fishing and impact on vulnerable marine ecosystems (Part 2) / V.A. Belyaev, K.A. Zgurovsky / / Fisheries-2020-No. 5-pp. 4-9-DOI
3. Artem Vilkin: CSMS projects will save fishermen from paper on board:;
4. Electronic Fishing Journal (EPJ) Website of the CSMS:
5. Electronic fishing magazine: from theory to "combat" practice. CSMS website:
6. Mark Godfrey. China issues draft of "transparent" transshipment system for distant-water sector. Seafoodsource. April 21, 2020:
7. Krayniy A.A. International problems of combating IUU fishing / A.A. Krayniy, K.A. Bekyashev-M: VNIRO, 2012
8. Bekyashev D.K. Modern international legal problems of fishing. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law. Moscow
9. Dolgov A.V. Field determinant of Barents Sea fish found in bottom catches (for use on fishing vessels). - Murmansk. World Wildlife Fund (WWF), N.M. Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO), 2016:
10. Zakharov D.V., Strelkova N.A., Manushin I.E., Zimina O.L., Golikov A.V. Deck determinant of the main groups of megabenthos of the Barents Sea. - Murmansk. World Wildlife Fund (WWF), N. M. Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO), 2017:
11. Fishing rules for the Northern Fisheries Basin: approved by the by the order of Rosrybolovstvo No. 13 of 16.01.2009 / / Rossiyskaya gazeta. - February 25, 2009
12. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.05.1994 N 515 (ed. of 10.03.2009) "On approval of taxes for calculating the amount of recovery for damage caused by destruction, illegal fishing or extraction of aquatic biological resources" / / SZ RF, 1994, No. 6, Article 604
13. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 724 of 26.09.2000 "On changing taxes for calculating the amount of recovery for damage caused to aquatic biological resources" / / SZ RF, 2000, No. 40
14. Sokolov K.M. Assessment of the hidden impact of fishing on the population of the Barents Sea cod (on the example of emissions of its juveniles): abstract ... Candidate of Biological Sciences-Murmansk, 2005;
15. Varkentin A.I. Some results of the Okhotsk sea pollock fishing in 2020 in comparison with 2019. / A. I. Varkentin, V.V. Kolomeitsev // Fisheries -2020 - No. 4 - 52-67 p. - DOI
16. International guidelines for regulating by-catch and reducing emissions. Rome, FAO, 2011 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: FAO. (accessed 24.06.17);
17. Expert comments on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (adopted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on October 31, 1995 in Rome, Italy). - Moscow: WWF of Russia, 2013
18. Kalmykov B.A. Pollock fishing in the USA [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (accessed 29.02. 16);
19. Economic efficiency of the use of the Russian fishing fleet in the Barents Sea. World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Moscow: 2007 file:// / C:/Users/kzgurovsky/Downloads/murmansk_fleet_economy. pdf.
20. Mikhailova E.G. Assessment of the efficiency of the use of aquatic biological resources in domestic fisheries // Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. - 2018. - Vol. 11. - No. 1. - pp. 57-69. - DOI
21. Belyaev V.A., Karpushevsky I.V. International cooperation in the field of fisheries research in the Baltic Sea and its bays. II International Fisheries Forum. Materials of the business program (reports of participants). 2019. VNIRO Publishing House, 2019. p. 25 29 29.
22. Spiridonov V.A. Fish rots with a hammer / V.A. Spiridonov, K.A. Zgurovsky // Results-2002-No. 021-pp. 3-6
23. Zgurovsky K.A.: Report "International experience in fisheries management based on long-term rights to resources" at the 5th International Conference "Sea, Resources, Technologies" in Murmansk, 2018, March
24. Zgurovsky K.A. The right to a resource and a resource of law:;
25. Zgurovsky K.A. Business should be involved in resource management. Fishnews: and;
26. Belyaev V.A. Analysis of the implementation of the National Action Plan to combat IUU fishing and additional measures to prevent, limit and eliminate it. Part 2. / V.A. Belyaev, K.A. Zgurovsky, N.A. Smolnikova / / Fisheries - 2021-No. 3-pp. 8-24-DOI
27. Pushkareva E.F., Zgurovsky K.A., Maiss N.A., Maiss A.A. The Fund for Responsible Fisheries as a necessary institution for interaction between the state, associations of fishermen and environmental organizations in the field of ensuring the sustainability of marine fisheries and the conservation of aquatic biological resources (not published).