Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Atka mackerel, Pleurogrammus monopterygius was proposed for acclimatization to the Barents Sea long ago (Russ, 1958) and has been thoroughly studied in this regard. However, the number of experimental works by the transplantation of Atka mackerel from Kamchatka to the Barents Sea was small and their scale is insignificant. A total of 2 attempts were made in the 70s and 80s. The last time in 1982-1984, 6.5 millions of Atka mackerel caviar was transported from Kamchatka to Murmansk. Unfortunately, the systematic works by introduction was stopped. Meanwhile, the experience of acclimatization of Atka mackerel is very valuable not only for its practical orientation, which has in the future the additional production of fish in the Barents Sea, but also for a certain contribution to the development of the theory of acclimatization. The article provides information on the two repeated capture of Atka mackerel in the Barents Sea and six repeated in the White Sea. It is advisable to purposefully check the information on the White Sea; it is possible that the short time of the stay of adults Atka mackerel in the reservoir during the breeding period does not allow them to be identified during the annual ichthyological survey of the White Sea. It would be useful to catch of the Teribersky Cape of the Barents Sea, where adult Atka mackerel can be found during the breeding season. If the facts will not be confirmed, then our supposition remains true that the scale of work on the transplantation of Atka mackerel caviar was insignificant and the amount of imported caviar is small

Atka mackerel,

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