Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 71.37 Туристско-экскурсионное обслуживание
OKSO 35.06.03 Рыбное хозяйство
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
The article considers eco-economic aspects of using the fishing capacity of the basin of South Baikal in the framework of the development of tourism of the coastal territory within Slyudyansky Municipal District of Irkutsk Oblast and within the entire southern Baikal Region. The article proposes to more strongly focus on developing sport and recreational fishing in this most developed area of Lake Baikal. The eco-economic and legal analysis carried out by the authors allows them to conclude that the traditional regulation of the stock of omul in Baikal by determining the total allowable catches and quotas is not effective enough, since it has led to the prohibition of not only industrial but also limitation of sport and recreational fishing for omul. At the same time, there is no reliable data that recreational fishing along the southern coast of Baikal is the reason for the decrease in the total stocks of omul in Baikal. On the contrary, the South Baikal fishing area can become the basis for a more dynamic development of the tourism industry in the region, including such types of it as cognitive tourism, ecological tourism and sports and recreational one. Moreover, it is the South Baikal fishing area and the coastal territory of Slyudyansky Municipal District that can become a testing site for developing more optimal (considering the specifics of various areas of Lake Baikal) ecological approaches to the regulation, rational use and reproduction of the stock of omul in Baikal for the purposes of sport and recreational fishing at Lake Baikal, as well as development of an environmentally friendly tourism industry in the region. The authors propose to review the strategy of fishery development of the stocks of omul at Lake Baikal and remove restrictions on recreational fishing, accompanying this with organizational and legal measures that allow obtaining reliable statistical data on catches. Precisely in this most economically developed area of Lake Baikal it is advisable to practice the organizational and legal mechanisms for the environmentally friendly development of tourist and recreational activities based on the available water bioresources of the unique lake.
Lake Baikal, South Baikal industrial fishing area, omul, recreational and sport fishing at Baikal, fishing, tourism at Baikal
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