The state of stocks and prospects for crab fishing in the Subdistrict of the Central Part of the Sea of Okhotsk
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Abstract (English):
Based on the materials of research in 2015 and 2018, data on the spatial distribution and biological state of crabs in one of the new fishing areas for the Russian Federation are presented - subregion 61.52 Central part of the Sea of Okhotsk. In the area studied, the following commercial crab species were recorded in crab trap catches: Lithodes aequispinus, L. couesi, Paralomis multispina, P. verrilli, Chionoecetes opilio and Ch. angulatus. A single capture of 2 individuals of the sharp-winged crab Oregonia bifurca, which had not previously been encountered in the Sea of Okhotsk, was noted. The main clusters of commercial species of crabs were confined to the northern site at depths of 300-500 m. Of the entire variety of species, only the equidistant crab forms dense aggregations, the stocks of which have been exploited by industry since 2017. Chionoecetes opilio and Ch. angulatus stocks in the area of «polygon» can also recruit the resource base of commercial fishing.

the central part of the Sea of Okhotsk, a new fishing area, a polygon, a continental slope, commercial crabs, fishing, catching, development
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