Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 639.2 Рыболовство и его результаты
The article presents a review of published materials and results of specialized ecological and fishery research for the period 1950-2021, containing data on abundance and biomass of the main groups of hydrobionts (phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos), larvae and young fish in different shelf areas of northern and northeastern Sakhalin Island. Regularities of distribution of different plankton groups by shelf areas and by different water, horizons are considered. Quantitative indicators of systematic groups of hydrobionts and juvenile fish of different shelf areas are compared. The work summarizes the materials on the Zapadno-Shmidtovsky and Deryuginsky license areas, Yuzhno-Kirinsky hydrocarbon field and others.
Sea of Okhotsk, shelf of the northern and northeastern part of Sakhalin, phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos, larvae and juvenile fish
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9. Davydova S.V., Cherkashin S.A. (2007). Ichthyoplankton of the eastern shelf of Sakhalin Island and its use as an indicator of the state of the environment // Questions of ichthyology. Vol.47. No. 4. Pp. 494-505. (In Russ.) EDN:
10. Davydova S.V., Shebanova M.A., Andreeva E.N. (2007). Summer-autumn ichthyoplankton of the Okhotsk and Japanese Seas and feeding characteristics of fish larvae and fry in 2003-2004 // Questions of ichthyology. Vol. 47. No. 4. Pp. 515-528. (In Russ.) EDN:
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21. Mukhametova O.N., Nemchinova I.A., Labai V.S., Radchenko D.R. (2002). Species composition and features distribution of ichthyoplankton in the waters of northeastern Sakhalin / // Izvestiya TINRO Vol.130, Part II. Pp. 660-678. (In Russ.) EDN:
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