Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 639.3.07 Выращивание молоди в вырастных хозяйствах
The analysis of reference and analytical information on the results of work on the artificial cultivation of juvenile roach in the NVH in mono and polyculture; the results of observations from the early 70s to the 2000s on the quantitative and qualitative composition of juveniles of semi-migratory fish species obtained from the self-entry of producers in the NVH during the cultivation of profile species (bream, carp), the influence of the dependence of the NVH, watered by gravity, on the hydrological regime of the Volga River during flood waters and reclamation works. It is determined that in order to increase the survival rate of juvenile roach during artificial reproduction in the NVH, research will be required, including experimental work to determine fish-breeding and biological indicators, the development of methods and standards for this species, taking into account the current state of the population.
roach, spawning-growing farms (NVH), spawning grounds, Volga River, survival, larvae, juveniles, commercial species
1. Barabanov V.V. The history and current state of studies of the roach in the Caspian Sea // Fisheries. 2018. No. 2. Pp. 45-50. EDN RWGDZB.
2. Barabanov V.V. On measures to preserve and restore the population of the roach Rutilus Rutilus Caspicus (Jakovlev, 1870) / V. V. Barabanov, M. N. Gorokhov, S. V. Shipulin // Fisheries. 2022. No. 5. Pp. 77-81. DOI - EDN OTQHLU.
3. Letichevsky M.A. On the spawning significance of the avandelta of the Volga River // Tr. Volga-Caspian Scientific Fisheries Station. 1947. Vol.9. Issue 1. Pp. 95-114.
4. Letichevsky M.A. Experience of growing young roach in spawning and growing farms of the Volga Delta. Biological ways to increase fish productivity of fish farms // Tr. VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 141-177.
5. Letichevsky M.A. Fish productivity of spawning-growing farms of the Volga delta in the joint cultivation of juvenile carp and bream // Tr. VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 128-140
6. Kuznetsova I.I. Ecology of roach spawning // Tr. VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 254-275
7. Bogoyavlenskaya M.P. The study of the physiology of nutrition and growth of juveniles in the spawning-growing economy of Gorely // Tr. VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 199-208.
8. Tarkovskaya O.I. Physiology of nutrition and growth of young roaches in the spawning-growing economy of the Azov-Long // Proceedings of VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 117-127.
9. Kononov V.A. The experience of growing young bream in the spawning and growing economy of the Volga Delta // Tr. VNIRO. 1941. Vol. XVI. Pp. 87-102.
10. Kononov V.A. Ecology of bream reproduction and survival of its juveniles in spawning-growing farms // Tr. Ukrainian Research Institute of Pond and Lake-river Fisheries. 1949. No. 6. Pp. 59-90.
11. Vinetskaya N.I. Study of the balance of organic matter in the spawning-growing economy of the Azov-Long // Tr. VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 58-70.
12. Vinetskaya N.I. Production and decay of organic matter in spawning-growing farms "Gorely" and "Tanatarka" // Tr. VNIRO. 1953. Vol. 24. Pp. 225-243.
13. Letichevsky M.A., Rogatkin O.D. Accounting juveniles of semi-passable fish in spawning and growing farms of the Volga delta using fishing gear // Tr. KaspNIRKh. 1968. Vol. 24. Pp. 152-158.
14. Letichevsky M.A., Rogatkin O.D. Methods of accounting for juveniles of semi-passable fish // Fisheries. 1968. No. 4. Pp. 18-21.
15. Vasilchenko O.N. Biological bases of increasing the efficiency of artificial reproduction of semi-aquatic fish in the lower reaches of the Volga: Astrakhan: KaspNIRKh Publishing House, 2005. 150 p. ISBN 5-8267-0055-6. EDN QKXGRH.
16. Idelson M.S., Kuznetsova I.I. The experience of determining the fish productivity of reservoirs of the Volga delta by the harvest of juveniles // Tr. VNIRO. 1941. Vol.16. pp. 61-72.
17. Kozhin N.I. Efficiency of growing carp and bream fingerlings in fish farms of the Volga Delta // Fish farming. 1947. No. 6. Pp. 30-36.
18. Kozhin N.I. Efficiency of growing carp and bream fingerlings in fish farms of the Volga Delta // Tr. VNIRO. 1951. Vol. XIX. Pp. 83-92.
19. Idelson M.S. Zoobenthos of hollow reservoirs // Tr. VNIRO. 1941. Vol. 16. Pp. 103-118.
20. Vonokov I.K. Nutrition of carp fry in the Volga delta // Tr. of the basin branch of VNIRO. 1952. Vol. XII. Pp. 121-150.
21. Chavychalova N.I., Kushnarenko A.I. Influence of overgrowth of spawning grounds by macrophytes on the efficiency of natural reproduction of the North Caspian roach // South of Russia: ecology, development. 2008. Vol. 3, No. 4. Pp. 115-121. EDN JXROAL.
22. Chavychalova N.I. Formation of replenishment of the population of the North Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus (Jakovlev, 1870)) in modern conditions: specialty 03.00.10: diss... cand. biol. sciences. Astrakhan, 2009. 24 p. EDN NKSXAF.
23. Chavychalova N.I., Vasilchenko O.M., Pyatikopova O.V. On the quality of young roach and bream feeding on the Volga spawning grounds in years with different water content / N. I. Chavychalova, // Natural Sciences. 2010. No. 4(33). pp. 38-46. - EDN NCSOGB.