Bulk fishing vessels – a new trend in pollock fishing off the Southern Kuril Islands
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Abstract (English):
The intensive development of fish processing factories built on the southern Kuril Islands stimulated the use of fishing vessels with RSW (Refrigerated Sea Water) storage tanks to deliver catches to coastal factories. At the moment, 8 fishing RSW-trawlers are operating in the southern Kuriles area. The capacity of RSW tanks on them varies from 500 to 2200 tons with a total one-time storage volume of 8 thousand tons. The main object of the fishery is walleye pollock. The walleye pollock catch by RSW-trawlers in 2022 reached 112 thousand tons. The main pollock harvesting area is the waters of the southern Kuril Islands, where about 70% of the total allowable catch (TAC) of this species is caught by RSW-trawlers. Compared to traditional trawlers-processor, RSW-trawlers fishering is more rational and “transparent” in relation to resources, because it exclude the possibility of discarding juveniles and substandard fish. It is assumed that the trend towards the use of RSW-trawlers in the Far East fishery basin will increase.

South Kuril Islands, walleye pollock, RSW-tank fishing wessels, size composition, juveniles
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