Plastic and meristic signs of the hybrid "lenbel" (F1 Acipenser baerii × Huso huso) under cultivation conditions
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Abstract (English):
The hybrid of sturgeon "lenbel" (F1 ♀ Acipenser baerii × ♂ Huso huso) was studied by conventional methods for a complex of plastic and meristic signs. It was found that only the horizontal diameter of the eye (O), the greatest height of the head (HC), the distance from the end of the rostrum to the base of the middle antennae (rc) and to the cartilaginous arch of the mouth (rr), the width of the snout at the cartilaginous arch of the mouth (SRr), the width of the mouth (SO) and the width of the break of the lower lip (il) for hybrid and beluga, and the width of the lower lip break (il) and the width of the snout at the base of the middle antennae (SRc) for hybrid and Siberian sturgeon have a transgression index of less than 67%, and can be used to identify the hybrid form. The beluga fingerlings were largely consolidated, and therefore united into a single cluster. Siberian sturgeon and hybrid also form two clearly differentiated clusters, but the intra-group divergence of the hybrid is slightly higher than that of the original forms. In hybrid fingerlings, relative plastic and meristic signs are not related to body size and remain constant during the growing period, that is, they may be specific to it. It is shown that some head measurements can be used for confident identification of the hybrid.

sturgeon hybrids, "lenbel" (F1 ♀ Acipenser baerii × ♂ Huso huso), meristic and plastic signs, transgression, cluster analysis, identification
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