Kerch', Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
GRNTI 65.53 Консервная, овощесушильная и пищеконцентратная промышленность
BBK 472 Рыбное хозяйство
The quality and safety of frozen culinary products fabricated using the Sous-Vide technology were studied. The developed technology helps to preserve the structure of the product, its taste and aroma, and also saves a more delicate and juicy consistency. The object of the research was culinary products - frozen cutlets made from the Azov bull. Based on the results of the study of a complex of microbiological, organoleptic, physicochemical parameters, the shelf life of culinary products was established, during which the high quality and microbiological safety of the product is guaranteed.
Sous-Vide, optimal technological parameters, thermal processing, fish culinary product, Gobiidae, mathematical modeling, mathematical model, organoleptic evaluation, expiration date
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